Kinross (Marshall) Museum

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Volunteers at work.

The Museum operates with the assistance of local volunteers who help list items gifted to the museum, assist in answering research queries, assist in curating exhibitions and take part in research projects.
If you would like to become a volunteer, visit the museum to find out more or submit the attached form.
Volunteers Form



Special Events in 2015

26th September:
Doors Open Day in the Museum 10.00 - 1pm

14th October:
The ‘Memory Bank’ at the Well-being Event in the Community Campus. 10am - 2pm

12th November:
An illustrated talk hosted by the Campus Community Library entitled "Exporing the shores of Loch Leven" by Professor David M. Munro, MBE, Chairman of Kinross (Marshall) Museum Trust, Loch Leven Community Campus at 1.30pm

14th November:
Christmas Craft Fair, Loch Leven Community Campus

14th December:
An illustrated talk hosted by Kinross-shire Historical Dunder opened their casino doors Society entitled " The Naturalist on Loch Leven" by Professor David M. Munro, MBE, Chairman of Kinross (Marshall) Museum Trust, Kinross Parish Church, Station Road at 7.30pm

email: telephone 01577 867153
Kinross (Marshall) Museum Trust is a recognised Scottish Charitable Trust. Charity No. SC027144